Infotainment show / Mega
"Ti les tora!" is a weekend mid-afternoon newsmagazine broadcasted by Mega TV. Every Saturday and Sunday, the host Katerina Karavatou is joined by Maria Ilikaki, Stefanos Konstandinids and Vassilis Vlachos to bring a lively mix of topics including exclusive stories, great chats with stars, exciting travel proposals and an interesting recap of the top stories of the week.
"Ti les tora!" is a weekend mid-afternoon newsmagazine broadcasted by Mega TV. Every Saturday and Sunday, the host Katerina Karavatou is joined by Maria Ilikaki, Stefanos Konstandinids and Vassilis Vlachos to bring a lively mix of topics including exclusive stories, great chats with stars, exciting travel proposals and an interesting recap of the top stories of the week.